Housing News > Policies on housing, homelessness and development are crucial for the future of our county.
Santa Cruz Local explores your questions and housing-related actions in local government.
Santa Cruz Warriors explore new arena project with housing
Plan could extend Downtown Santa Cruz toward beach
Santa Cruz council reaffirms proposed housing on Center Street
Project will provide 35 units for ‘very low income’ households
Santa Cruz County housing projects for homeless advance, Sheriff’s Office to launch data dashboard
Plus: Live Oak parking program killed, more Watsonville hospital money approved
Potential lawsuit could tie UC Santa Cruz growth to campus housing
Other court cases stall student housing
Downtown Santa Cruz library plans move forward
Council lauds revised designs, but ballot measure could sink project
Santa Cruz council advances 831 Water St. housing project
Building permit approval needed
831 Water St. housing project to be reconsidered by Santa Cruz council
Council could approve revised proposal Dec. 14
Agreement approved for 100% affordable housing project in Watsonville
Mayor opposes plan because of traffic, service costs
RV parking limits adopted in Santa Cruz
Plus: City leaders name sites for sanctioned homeless camps
Plans renewed for housing and shops on busy Santa Cruz streets
Design standards, mixed-use zones to be tackled at Wednesday meeting
Incentives help landlords rent to Santa Cruz County’s homeless
Homelessness series: Landlords’ questions answered about housing vouchers
Overnight RV parking limits advance in Santa Cruz
RV owners discuss problems and solutions
Rental housing market squeezed by pandemic, wildfire in Santa Cruz County
More than half of a Santa Cruz hotel houses UCSC grad students
Rules loosened for in-law units in Santa Cruz County
Parking requirements draw some criticism
Housing project at 831 Water St. blocked by Santa Cruz council
City leaders explain denial of controversial plan
Homelessness survey reveals some common ground in Santa Cruz County
Survey highlights needs, questions, barriers
Overnight parking limits tackled in Santa Cruz
Plus: Rail trail environmental planning meeting ahead
Overnight parking limits debated in Santa Cruz
RV owners discuss potential new law
Santa Cruz County wildfire rebuilding rules loosen
Program to add wildfire cameras advances
Housing plans could target job centers in Santa Cruz County
City, county leaders inch toward allocations of thousands of homes
Santa Cruz council aims for transparency with new state housing law
Expedited approval of projects draws concern, support