Health > Listen to health experts, Santa Cruz County leaders, researchers and residents.
COVID-19 has exposed inequalities and posed health risks to many of our neighbors. We explain what’s working and what’s not with an ear toward solutions. Subscribe to our free podcast.
Podcast: Reshaping mental health crisis response in Santa Cruz County
Part of Santa Cruz Local's Police Reform Series
Podcast: Student mental health and stress in Santa Cruz County, part 2
Distance Learning Series: Michael Paynter on virtual mentoring
Podcast: Were some COVID deaths preventable at Santa Cruz County senior homes?
Plus: Does new housing mean more water demand?
Podcast: Student mental health and stress in Santa Cruz County, part 1
Santa Cruz Local’s Distance Learning Series
Podcast: Public education money, COVID and the power of Santa Cruz County school boards
How to make your voice heard
Podcast: How has COVID-19 hurt Santa Cruz County’s most vulnerable?
Four voices from the margins
Podcast Ep. 81: Reducing harm in Santa Cruz County law enforcement
Could more mental health crises be handled without police?
Podcast Ep. 80 How to be social but safer during the pandemic
Infectious disease expert shares advice
Tough decisions: Child care during a pandemic
Parents, providers worry about risk of viral transmission
What’s Santa Cruz County’s plan for COVID-19 antibody tests?
Still many unknowns with virus, individual testing not yet useful
What’s the status of Project Roomkey?
Santa Cruz Local answers your COVID-19 questions
How deep is Santa Cruz County’s economic downturn?
New rules, fewer visitors ahead for Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz County Health Officer previews new, looser COVID rules
More outdoor activities would be allowed, but beaches closed for certain hours
Santa Cruz Local Answers: How can UCSC help with COVID testing?
Campus project could increase local capacity by hundreds of tests per day
Santa Cruz Local Town Hall: Medical leaders talk hospital capacity
Drs. Larry DeGhetaldi, David Ghilarducci share insight on COVID projections
State, local leaders share factors for easing COVID shelter order
County still lacks 50 ventilators for potential peak
Progress on the COVID-19 battle in Santa Cruz County
Health officials encouraged by latest projections
Santa Cruz Local Answers: Your questions on COVID testing
Who gets tested? Why is the county rationing tests?
‘Everything’s homework now’
Santa Cruz County families, teachers and school leaders adapt to online learning
Santa Cruz County COVID-19 hospital demand projected to exceed capacity
Health officials urge residents to stay home
Global lessons for Santa Cruz in the COVID-19 response
What can we learn from solutions in South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore?