Last updated: December 2024
Santa Cruz Local’s Winter Storm Resources page provides emergency information and answers to common questions.
Click each question below for answers.
The County of Santa Cruz maintains a site called One Rain that contains real-time data on
The U.S. Geological Survey provides Santa Cruz County waterway levels and flood data.
This map from the National Weather Service has daily, monthly and yearly precipitation data.
Official road closure information
- Santa Cruz County Road Closures
-, on the “Communications Centers” drop-down menu, select “Monterey.”
- For questions about road closures, call the Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center: 831-454-2285.
Unofficial road closure information
- San Lorenzo Valley and Santa Cruz Mountain Road Conditions Google Map is a crowdsourced map with information on road closures.
- California Road Report (CARR) is a mobile application that compiles California Highway Patrol incidents, CalTrans road conditions and highway cameras. Download for free on Apple or Google Play.
Power outage information
- Pacific Gas & Electric Co. maintains an online map of power outages, outage causes and estimated restoration times.
- Downed power lines and the smell of natural gas should be reported to 911 then to PG&E at 1-800-743-5000 or by PG&E’s online form.
Community Bridges Winter Storm Resources
Community Bridges Recursos de Recuperación de Inundaciones
Santa Cruz County Office of Response, Recovery and Resilience: Winter storm resource page.
Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center: Call 831-454-2285 for questions about evacuations orders, roads and shelters.
Sign up for Nixle alerts: Sign up for text, email or voice mail alerts from local law enforcement agencies. These alerts include evacuation orders and warnings, and the end of evacuation orders.
Santa Cruz Regional 911 text and email updates: Sign up for CodeRed.
City of Watsonville: Flood resources and information page.
County of Monterey storm resource page (for Pajaro residents): Pineapple Express resource page and flood damage assessment map
Pajaro Valley Unified School District: Storm resources page.
City of Capitola: Storm updates page.
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: The Post-disaster Assistance Guide for California’s 2023 severe winter storms has summaries of the types of available federal assistance.
American Red Cross: Brochure and checklist on disaster recovery. Tips include: turn off propane, take photos to document damage, inspect fuses and circuit breakers.
- American Red Cross also offers a 24-hour disaster distress helpline. Residents can call the helpline to get connections to mental health counseling, even months after the disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TALKWITHUS” to 66746.
Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency: Information in English and Spanish about how to prevent injury and infection during flood cleanup. Standing water can contain dangerous bacteria. Residents are advised to wear protective gloves, boots, goggles and pants during cleanup.
Social media: Authorities announce evacuation orders, breaking news and other information at these social media accounts:
View the County of Santa Cruz’s map of evacuation orders and evacuation warnings.
Pajaro residents: View the County of Monterey’s map of evacuation orders and evacuation warnings. As of Thursday, March 23, evacuation orders had been lifted in Pajaro. Toilets could not be flushed and water remained unsafe to drink or cook with, Monterey County officials said.
For questions about evacuation orders and warnings, call the Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center: 831-454-2285.
Visit Santa Cruz County has shared a list of local hotels with special rates for evacuees. Monterey County Community Connection also has a list of hotels with evacuee rates.
Shelters are open in Santa Cruz County and Monterey County:
- Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville. Food, supplies, support services and a place to sleep are provided. Pets are allowed in carriers. Large animals are also allowed.
- Compass Church, 10325 S. Main Street, Salinas.
- Salvation Army Contra Costa, 1491 Contra Costa Blvd, Seaside. Accommodations are available for families with disabilities.
- Castroville Recreation Center, 11261 Crane Street, Castroville.
Shelters are open to any flood victims, regardless of immigration status.
For more about shelter, visit Santa Cruz County’s shelter information page, the County of Monterey’s shelter information page or call the Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center at 831-454-2285.
- Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County has food and water distribution sites. Call the Second Harvest Food Bank hotline at 831-662-0991 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday to confirm the schedule and location of food distribution sites. The schedule and locations are subject to weather conditions.
- Watsonville group Raíces y Cariño has water, diapers, hygiene items, clothes and non-perishable food for Pajaro Valley residents impacted by floods. Text 831-288-3105 to coordinate pickup at Westview Presbyterian Church, 118 First St. in Watsonville, through Friday, March 24.
Bottled water is also available at:
- The Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds shelter, 2601 E. Lake Ave. in Watsonville.
- La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St. in Watsonville, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
Pajaro has bottled water stations on the map below.

A map shows “resource hubs” at Pajaro Park and Pajaro Middle School with toilets, showers, handwashing, bottled water and laundry stations. Blue markers show toilets and handwashing stations. (County of Monterey)
CalFresh offers food benefits for residents affected by the disaster. Residents who receive CalFresh benefits can file a claim for lost food due to power outages, flooding or other storm-related reasons. Residents can contact a CalFresh eligibility worker.
Residents may qualify for money to pay for hotel rooms, temporary rental housing, basic household items or other needs not covered by insurance. Call 211 or any resource center below.
Community Bridges Family Resource Centers provide resource referral, financial assistance and public benefit enrollment. Call or visit any of these resource centers:
Watsonville: La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St., Suite Y
- 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
Felton: Mountain Community Resources, 6134 Highway 9
- 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1-4:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday
- 9 a.m. to noon, by appointment 1-5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday
Live Oak: Live Oak Community Resources, 1740 17th Ave.
- 9 a.m. to noon, 1-5 p.m. Monday to Thursday
Santa Cruz: Nueva Vista Community Resources, 711 East Cliff Drive.
- 9 a.m. to noon, 1-5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Watsonville group Raíces y Cariño has water, diapers, hygiene items, clothes and non-perishable food for Pajaro Valley residents impacted by floods. Text 831-256-2385 to coordinate pickup or delivery in Watsonville.
- Call the Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center: 831-454-2285.
- Santa Cruz Metro ParaCruz offers 24-hour evacuation transportation: 831-425-4664.
- Community Bridges’ Lift Line provides door-to-door rides for seniors and people with disabilities by calling 831-688-9663. Normal hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Emergency hours during evacuation orders are until 11 p.m.
The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter encourages evacuees to stay with their pets at evacuation shelters. More information.
For help with equine and other large animal evacuations, call the Santa Cruz County Rainstorm Call Center: 831-454-2285.
Water quality testing is recommended for residents with well water systems that were compromised by flooding.
- To request testing, call the Santa Cruz County Water Quality Program at 831-454-4624 or email [email protected]. Learn more about testing on the Santa Cruz County Environmental Health website.
- Local health officials recommend that residents with compromised well water systems should disinfect water for drinking and tooth brushing until test results are received.
Residents in flooded areas should discontinue use of septic wastewater treatment systems until the system dries, local health officials said. Avoid pumping unless the tank is concrete. A system inspection is recommended.
To report a mudslide or landslide on residential property, email [email protected].
- Supplies: medications, pet medications, cellphone chargers, flashlight, first aid kit, eyeglasses, battery-operated or crank radio, tools, clothing, sanitary supplies, contact information, a print map for alternate routes, laptops, other devices.
- Documents: passports, IDs, insurance policies, pictures, irreplaceable memorabilia
- Three-day supply of non-perishable food, three gallons of water per person, pet food and water for pet
- Cash, credit and ATM cards
- Medical equipment
- More items
Business leaders who need flood response volunteers can complete an interest form with the Santa Cruz Volunteer Center.
Volunteers are available for:
- Sandbags and flood preparations.
- Flood cleanup.
- Evacuation shelter support.
- Spanish interpretation.
- Mental health counseling.
- Animal care.
Business leaders also can email [email protected] or [email protected] to request volunteer help.
Community Action Board’s Day Worker Center also has day workers available for cleanup. Call 831-475-9675 or visit the Day Worker Center website.
Questions or comments? Email [email protected]. Santa Cruz Local is supported by members, major donors, sponsors and grants for the general support of our newsroom. Our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support. Learn more about Santa Cruz Local and how we are funded.