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Editor’s note: These results are unofficial and many ballots are yet to be counted. We’re expecting another update from the county elections office Friday. Jump to other Santa Cruz County election results here.

SANTA CRUZ >> Santa Cruz City Councilmembers Drew Glover and Chris Krohn will be removed from office, according to unofficial election results with all precincts reported early Wednesday.

A county tally showed 56.5% of votes in favor of the removal of Glover and 54.3% in favor of Krohn’s removal.

More than 50% of the vote was needed to recall each council member from office. The unofficial results, as of 2:23 a.m. Wednesday, show all precincts reporting, according to the county elections website. The elections office has not finished counting vote-by-mail, provisional and same-day registration ballots. The election will be certified by March 31.

In the race to replace Councilmember Glover, Renee Golder led with 60.7% percent of the vote to former Mayor Tim Fitzmaurice’s 37.5%. The top vote getter would replace Glover if he is recalled. The term for Glover, 34, ends in December 2022.

In the race to replace Councilmember Krohn, Katherine Beiers led with 54.1% of the vote to Don Lane’s 43.9%. The term for Krohn, 62, ends in December.

Controversial votes on homeless policies helped spark the recall efforts in 2019. Recall organizers have said they disagreed with Krohn and Glover’s votes to keep open the unsanctioned homeless camp near Highway 1 and River Street. Recall supporters also disapproved of a proposal to allow overnight RV parking on Delaware Avenue.

A voter takes her ballot at the Santa Cruz Harvey West Clubhouse and Scouthouse polling place on Election Day, March 3, 2020. (Kara Meyberg Guzman — Santa Cruz Local)

Krohn’s alleged verbal mistreatment of a city staff member at a city council meeting and Glover’s salty exchange with Councilmember Donna Meyers about a meeting room schedule also became talking points among recall supporters.

Recall opponents have said that Glover and Krohn are needed on the council in part to push for 100% affordable housing projects and increased homeless services.

County Supervisor races

In early voting returns, District 2 Santa Cruz County Supervisor Zach Friend led challenger Becky Steinbruner 68% to 31.5%. The winner needs more than 50% of the vote.

In the crowded District 1 Santa Cruz County Supervisor race, incumbent John Leopold led newcomer Manu Koenig with 45.8% to 29.3% of the vote. Mark Esquibel captured 10.7% of the vote. Betsy Riker, Benjamin Cogan and Donald Kreutz all had less than 6% of the early vote. Fifty percent of the vote is needed to avoid a runoff among the top two candidates in November.

Tuesday afternoon, Santa Cruz County Clerk and Registrar of Voters Gail Pellerin dropped by the Harvey West Clubhouse and Scouthouse polling place. Pellerin said that new voting machines were working well.

County leaders also placed a dozen ballot drop boxes outside libraries and other places for voters to drop off ballots. Pellerin said the boxes were well used. Voter service centers also were open for a few days before election day for the first time.

Santa Cruz resident Trista Mallory gives her “I voted” sticker to her 1-year-old daughter, Esmé, at the Harvey West Clubhouse and Scouthouse polling place on Election Day, March 3, 2020. (Kara Meyberg Guzman — Santa Cruz Local)

“So far, so good,” Pellerin said at about 3:45 p.m. “I think we’ve got good traffic at our polls and our voter service centers.”

Polls were particularly busy at UC Santa Cruz, Pellerin said.

Some polling stations at UCSC had lines of more than an hour to get a ballot. Many were first-time voters. “There’s a lot of voters up there,” Pellerin said. “I know there’s a line. We’re offering that they can leave their application and then go away for two hours and come back and get their ballot. Or they can opt to wait in line and get it.”

Students waited to vote for more than hour at UC Santa Cruz’s bookstore Tuesday. (Natalya Dreszer — Santa Cruz Local)

Cabrillo College Measure R

A 32-year parcel tax to help fund Cabrillo College remained shy of the 55% it needed to pass Tuesday night. The “Yes” vote received 50.3% of the vote to the “No” vote’s 49.7%.

Bond sales would raise about $17 million annually to update laboratories, classrooms, and other infrastructure on campus.

It would tax homeowners $19 per $100,000 of assessed value on their homes. Opponents have pointed out that the tax would add to two other Cabrillo College taxes already on tax rolls. Another Cabrillo bond measure failed in 2016.

Supporters have said more than half of Santa Cruz County high school graduates attend Cabrillo College. Although overall enrollment has declined in recent years, there are crowded programs in nursing and technical medical fields in part because of lack of facilities, supporters have said.

Cabrillo College president Matthew Wetstein addresses the audience at a Measure R campaign kickoff at Jan. 23, 2020 at former state assemblyman Fred Keeley’s house. Unofficial election results show that Measure R failed to meet the 55% threshold. (Kara Meyberg Guzman — Santa Cruz Local)

Santa Cruz County Superior Judge race

In the judge’s race for Santa Cruz County Superior Court, Nancy de la Peña held a lead of 43.5% to Annrae Angel’s 28.9% to Jack Gordon’s 26.9% of the vote.

De la Peña was a 30-year criminal defense attorney and is now assistant counsel for Santa Cruz County. Angel and Gordon are defense attorneys.

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Resultados de las elecciones locales

¿Debería ser destituido el concejal de Santa Cruz Drew Glover? - necesita mayoría de votos para aprobarse

No 5,589 43.53%

¿Qué candidato debería sustituir a Glover, en caso de que sea destituido?

Renee Golder 7,085 60.70%
Tim Fitzmaurice 4,378 37.51%

¿Debe ser destituido el concejal de Santa Cruz Chris Krohn? - necesita mayoría de votos para aprobarse

6,910 54.30%
No 5,815 45.70%

¿Quién debería sustituir a Krohn, si es destituido?

Katherine Beiers 6,190 54.06%
Don Lane 5,027 43.90%

Medida R - bono Cabrillo College - necesita 55% para pasar

No 25,778 49.71%
26,078 50.29%

Juez del Tribunal Superior del Condado de Santa Cruz

Nancy de la Peña 19,992 43.48%
Jack Gordon 12,381 26.93%
Annrae Angel 13,305 28.94%

Asambleísta estatal, distrito 29

Titular Mark Stone (D) 35,649 77.78%
Shomir Banerjee (R) 10,038 21.90%

Miembro de la asamblea estatal, distrito 30

Titular Robert Rivas (D) 4,453 75.55%
Gregory Swett (R) 1,427 24.21%

Senador estatal, distrito 17

John Laird (D) 29,666 56.92%
Vicki Nohrden (R) 11,046 21.20%
Maria Cadenas (D) 9,686 18.59%
John Nevill (D) 1,608 3.09%

Representante de los EE.UU. en el Congreso, 18º Distrito Congresual

Titular Anna Eshoo (D) 7,237 58.16%
Richard B. Fox (R) 1,498 12.04%
Rishi Kumar (R) 1,845 14.83%
Phil Reynolds (R) 1,469 11.81%
Bob Goodwyn (Libertario) 367 2.95%

Representante de los EE.UU. en el Congreso, 20º Distrito Congresual

Jimmy Panetta (D) 27,121 65.73%
Jeff Gorman (R) 7,043 17.07%
Adam Bolaños Scow (D) 7,042 17.07%

Medida S: Bonos del Distrito Escolar del Valle de San Lorenzo - necesita el 55% para aprobarse

No 2,836 47.25%
3,166 52.75%

Medida T: Impuesto sobre la parcela en el distrito de Santa Cruz High School (necesita el 66,66% para aprobarse)

18,455 70.36%
No 7,773 29.64%

Medida U: Impuesto sobre la parcela del Distrito Escolar Elemental de Santa Cruz (necesita el 66,66% para aprobarse)

10,319 76.64%
No 3,146 23.36%

Medida V: Impuesto sobre la parcela del Distrito Escolar de Soquel (necesita el 66,66% para aprobarse)

3,862 60.52%
No 2,519 39.48%

Medida W: Contratos de obras públicas de la ciudad de Santa Cruz (se necesita mayoría de votos para aprobar)

9,413 79.56%
No 2,418 20.44%

Medida X: Elecciones en el distrito de Santa Cruz City Schools (necesita mayoría de votos para aprobarse)

8,502 76.60%
No 2,597 23.40%

Medida Y: Watsonville impuesto sobre las ventas para la seguridad pública

3,039 76.22%
No 948 23.78%

Consulte nuestra serie "Vota el 3 de marzo" sobre las elecciones locales.

Entrevistamos a más de 200 votantes de todo el condado y les preguntamos de qué querían que hablaran los candidatos. Luego entrevistamos a los candidatos a la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Santa Cruz y al Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz basándonos en lo que escuchamos.

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to correct the length of the proposed Cabrillo College parcel tax.

Kara Meyberg Guzman es consejera delegada y cofundadora de Santa Cruz Local. Antes de Santa Cruz Local, fue redactora jefe del Santa Cruz Sentinel. Es licenciada en biología por la Universidad de Stanford y vive en Santa Cruz.