We value your privacy.

How to send us a confidential news tip:

Signal: Add us at (831) 291-3456

Signal is a free messaging app with end-to-end encryption to send messages, photos, video and calls. You can set messages to disappear after a certain amount of time after they have been received.

Whatsapp: Add us at (831) 291-3456

Whatsapp is a free messaging app, also with end-to-end encryption, for messages, photos, video and calls. The company is owned by Facebook.

ProtonMail: Sign up for ProtonMail and email us at [email protected].

ProtonMail is a free email service with end-to-end encryption. The quickest and easiest way to send an encrypted email to us via ProtonMail is to sign up for a free account. It takes less than a minute.

You can also send self-destructing emails in ProtonMail by setting an optional expiration date, similar to Snapchat.