Santa Cruz Local is a local news podcast, email newsletter and website founded by local journalists. We produce fair and accurate local journalism that’s free for everyone.

We believe that when we are all watching and engaged in our public institutions, our needs are addressed, democracy works better and our community is stronger.

Support local journalism with a membership today.

$9 /mo
$25 /mo
$50 /mo
$100 /mo
$99 /yr
$250 /yr
$500 /yr
$1,000 /yr
  Our gratitude
Our gratitude
  A place on our founders' donor wall
A place on our founders' donor wall
  Access to transcripts
Access to transcripts
  Access to additional reporting
Access to additional reporting
  Discount on Santa Cruz Local events
Discount on Santa Cruz Local events
  A Santa Cruz Local sticker
A Santa Cruz Local sticker
  A Santa Cruz Local bumper sticker
A Santa Cruz Local bumper sticker -
  A shout-out in an episode
A shout-out in an episode - -
  A shout-out in episodes for the life of your membership
A shout-out in episodes for the life of your membership - - -
  Two tickets to Santa Cruz Local events for the life of your membership
Two tickets to Santa Cruz Local events for the life of your membership - - -

Cancel anytime (but we can't issue refunds).

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?

Santa Cruz Local is a non-partisan, independent online local news website and podcast serving Santa Cruz County. Our mission is to produce fair and accurate local journalism that holds power to account. For information about our background, our vision and our founding principles, visit our About Us.

How does my membership support Santa Cruz Local?

A Santa Cruz Local membership recurs automatically monthly or annually. It allows us a source of predictable revenue. Your membership allows us to plan ahead and devote more time and resources to fact-driven reporting that informs our local civic conversation.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

No. Santa Cruz Local is a private company owned by Kara Meyberg Guzman and Stephen Baxter.