415 Natural Bridges Drive is seen on a clear blue-sky day.

Twenty studio apartments are under construction at 415 Natural Bridges Drive in Santa Cruz in June 2024. (Stephen Baxter — Santa Cruz Local)

Last updated: June 2024

Project name: Natural Bridges Apartments

Location: 415 Natural Bridges Drive


  • “The estimated completion date is August 2024,” wrote Tom Graham, deputy executive director for the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz in 2023. “Applicants will be selected from the existing Housing Authority’s waiting list which is currently closed.”
  • A groundbreaking event was May 18, 2023 at the site. The Santa Cruz City Council approved the project in April 2022.

Waitlist status

Tenants will be chosen from the housing authority’s Housing Choice (Section 8) voucher holders. The Housing Choice voucher waitlist remained closed with more than 9,800 households on it as of June 2024. There is no set date for when it may reopen, said Rayne Perez, principal management analyst for the housing authority.


The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz.

Project description

  • Total units: 20.
  • Affordable units: All units are affordable up to 50% of area median income based on federally set income limits, rather than state-set ones, according to Graham.  
  • Height: Three stories.
  • Details: The Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz owns the land. The project includes apartments from 250 to 400 square feet. Part of the gym’s parking lot is expected to become parking for the housing complex. The application asked for several adjustments to the building code, including:
    • Six feet of additional building height, for a total of 36 feet.
    • A reduction in the northern side yard setback from the required 12 feet to 7 feet.
    • A reduction in required parking spaces from 20 spaces to 12.
415 Natural Bridges Drive rendering

Twenty studio apartments are expected to be built at 415 Natural Bridges Drive in Santa Cruz. (Rendering by Thacher & Thompson Architects)

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