Santa Cruz County is stronger when everyone has access to fair and accurate local news. That’s why all of Santa Cruz Local’s news is free.
We depend on the support of readers like you. Donate to Santa Cruz Local today.
Santa Cruz Local is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and your donations are tax-deductible.
Please make checks out to “Santa Cruz Local” and mail to:
Santa Cruz Local
877 Cedar St., Suite #150
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Santa Cruz Local accepts donations from donor-advised funds. Search for Santa Cruz Local in your fund portal.
- Our EIN is 37-2064285.
- Our mailing address is 877 Cedar St. Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
Several employers in Santa Cruz County and the Silicon Valley will match their employees’ donations to 501(c)3 nonprofits.
Santa Cruz Local is set up with Benevity and CyberGrants, matching gift portals used by many companies including:
- Hewlett-Packard.
- Microsoft.
- Google.
- Driscoll’s.
- Netflix.
- Bank of America.
- Intel.
- Verizon.
- Johnson & Johnson.
- Target.
- Lowe’s.
Please search for Santa Cruz Local in your company’s Benevity or CyberGrants portal. Santa Cruz Local’s EIN is 37-2064285 and our mailing address is 877 Cedar St. Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
If your company uses a different matching portal, please contact Santa Cruz Local CEO/Co-founder Kara Meyberg Guzman at [email protected] or 831-291-3456. Kara can help register Santa Cruz Local with your company’s program.
Santa Cruz Local is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and is set up to receive donations from your tax-deferred retirement account.
If you are 72 or older, you may be required to annually withdraw funds from your retirement account such as a traditional IRA, SIMPLE IRA and 401(k) plans. This required withdrawal is called a “required minimum distribution.”
To donate to Santa Cruz Local, search for Santa Cruz Local in your retirement account portal. Our EIN is 37-2064285 and our mailing address is 877 Cedar St. Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Most retirement accounts are set up to send a check or electronic payment directly to nonprofit organizations.
Donating appreciated stock may allow you to take a tax deduction for the fair market value. Check with your tax advisor.
When you’re ready, email Santa Cruz Local CEO/Co-founder Kara Meyberg Guzman at [email protected] with this information:
- Your broker’s name and your brokerage firm’s name.
- Name of stock and number of shares.
- Planned date of transfer.
Ask your broker to transfer the shares to Santa Cruz Local Inc.’s brokerage account at Fidelity. Provide your broker with the following wiring instructions:
- Receiving account name: Santa Cruz Local Inc.
- Receiving account number: Z40396050.
- Santa Cruz Local Inc.’s Tax ID number: EIN 37-2064285.
- Fidelity’s DTC number: 0226.
- Fidelity’s address:
Fidelity Investments
Attn: TOA Receives
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036 - Fidelity’s phone: 1-800-544-4442.
Once the stock is transferred, Kara Meyberg Guzman will email you a tax receipt and acknowledgment letter.