

By Santa Cruz Local|August 20, 2019|

Meet Santa Cruz Local Part 7: Our 2020 vision Progress on the COVID battle in Santa Cruz County Santa Cruz Local Answers: Your questions on testing 'Everything's homework now' Santa Cruz County COVID-19 hospital [...]

How can we help you?

By Santa Cruz Local|August 14, 2019|

Browse our topics below to find what you're looking for. Have a question not listed here? Email us at [email protected]. The business What is Santa Cruz Local? How is Santa Cruz Local funded? Is my membership or donation tax [...]

Members Wall

By Santa Cruz Local|July 30, 2019|

Our members support fair and accurate local journalism that holds power to account. Our members share our vision: When we are all watching and engaged in our public institutions, our needs are addressed, democracy works better and our community [...]


By Santa Cruz Local|July 26, 2019|

Become a Santa Cruz Local sponsor and show your support for fair and accurate local journalism. Santa Cruz Local members are local movers and shakers. They're engaged with us. They want to make our community stronger. They're the locals who [...]

Guardian – Annual

By Will Mayall|July 24, 2019|

This is an annual membership. Your credit card will be charged once a year. Your support helps Santa Cruz Local produce fair, accurate and free local journalism that holds power to account.

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